哲学 | Philosophy
最高の品質: 当社の製品は品質に細心の注意を払って作られ、あらゆる製剤が効果的で安全であることを保証します。
有機成分: 私たちは、緑茶抽出物などの最良の有機成分を使用して、持続可能な慣行をサポートしながら、優しく強力な肌ケアソリューションを提供します。
顧客駆動: 我々は顧客のニーズを優先し、現代の皮膚ケアの変化する要件を満たすために継続的に革新し、自信と美しさを感じさせる。
[We are dedicated to providing the highest quality skin care by harnessing the power of nature and focusing on the welfare of our clients.
- Highest Quality: Our products are made with the utmost attention to quality, ensuring that every formulation is effective and safe.
- Organic Ingredients: We use the best organic ingredients, such as green tea extract, to provide gentle and potent skin care solutions while supporting sustainable practices.
- Customer Driven: We prioritize the needs of our customers and continuously innovate to meet the changing requirements of modern skin care, making them feel confident and beautiful.
At Kisori Brand, we are committed to purity, quality, and care, providing products that are gentle on your skin and the planet.]

1. にきび治療:にきびを効果的にターゲットにして治療し、吹き出物を減らし、肌をきれいにします。
2. ディープクレンジング:毛穴の奥まで浸透して汚れを落とし、毛穴の詰まりや黒ずみを防ぎます。
3. 研磨力:ザラつきをやさしく落とし、なめらかでさっぱりとしたお肌に仕上げます。
4. オイルコントロール:余分な油分を取り除き、光沢のないマットな仕上がりに。
5. メイク落とし:効率的にメイクを落とし、スキンケアをきれいにします。
6. 保湿:お肌にうるおいを与え、ふっくらとした潤いを与えます。
7. スキンバランス:肌の自然な油分のバランスを整え、スキンケアの効果を高めます。
[Rose Milk Mousse Facial Cleansing Foam, the ultimate solution for clear and radiant skin, is now available in a new mousse cleanser formulated with leading Japanese active ingredients! Designed to meet all your skin care needs, this multi-functional facial cleansing foam has the following features
Acne treatment: effectively targets and treats acne, reducing breakouts and clearing skin
Deep cleansing: penetrates deep into pores to remove dirt and prevent clogged pores and blackheads
Abrasive: Gently removes roughness, leaving skin smooth and refreshed. - Oil control: Removes excess oil for a matte, shine-free finish.
- Makeup remover: Efficiently removes makeup and cleanses skin.
- Moisturizing: moisturizes and plumps the skin.
- Skin balance: balances the skin's natural oil content and enhances the effectiveness of skin care.
Experience the perfect blend of cleansing, treatment, and care with our facial cleansing foam. Your journey to perfect, healthy skin begins here!]

- 化学物質アレルギーによる傷跡の改善
- そばかす・黒ずみの解消3日光による肝斑の治癒
- ニキビやニキビ跡を消す
- 満遍なく美白
- シワ解消 (目尻にも)
- 毛穴の縮小
- 顔の肌を引き締めて若々しく見せる
[Kuji Treatment Lotion and Sleeping Serum Sleeping Mask is a revolutionary product with the power to heal scars, acne, acne scars, freckles, and dark spots. This lotion also brightens skin tone and reduces wrinkles. The Lotion for Lotions Treatment has been dermatologist tested and guarantees positive results.
- Improvement of scars caused by chemical allergies
- Elimination of freckles and dark spots
- Healing of melasma caused by sunlight
- Elimination of acne and acne scars
- Full whitening
- Wrinkle reduction (even at the corners of the eyes)
- Pore reduction
- Tightening facial skin and making it look younger]
- ブライトニング:肌の輝きを増し、輝くような肌に仕上げます。
- 保湿:肌に潤いと栄養を与え、乾燥を防ぎます。
- アンチエイジング:小じわを目立たなくし、若々しい印象に。
- スキンテクスチャを洗練させ、柔らかく滑らかにします。
- 鎮静:アロエベラは炎症を起こした皮膚を鎮静させ、赤みや炎症を和らげます。
- 活性化:くすんで疲れた肌を若返らせ、リフレッシュした元気な肌にします。
- ラグジュアリーケア:24 Kゴールドを配合し、スキンケアに華やかさをプラス。
- 吸収促進:その後のスキンケア製品の吸収を高めるために皮膚を準備します。
Want to wake up in the morning with smooth, bright and youthful skin? The Kuji Mask is the answer! Infused with pure gold, this innovative overnight gel mask restores moisture, reduces wrinkles, and keeps skin healthy while you sleep.
- Brightening: Increases skin's radiance for a glowing complexion.
- Moisturizing: moisturizes and nourishes the skin, preventing dryness.
- Anti-aging: diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance
- Refines skin texture, leaving it soft and smooth
- Soothing: Aloe vera soothes inflamed skin and relieves redness and irritation.
- Revitalizing: Rejuvenates dull, tired skin, leaving it refreshed and energized.
- Luxurious care: 24 K gold is added to add a touch of glamour to your skincare routine.
Accelerated absorption: prepares skin for enhanced absorption of subsequent skin care products.

(Lip Care)
- 深い潤い: ホホバオイルが唇にうるおいを与え、やわらかくなめらかに保ちます。
- 保護バリア: 蜜蝋がバリアとなり、過酷な環境から唇を守ります。
- 天然成分: オーガニックのホホバオイルとミツロウを使用。
- 鎮静作用:乾燥や不快感を和らげ、健康で快適な唇に導きます。
- 持続性:長時間持続します: 一日中うるおいが持続し、唇を保護します。
- ビタミン豊富:ホホバオイルには必須ビタミンとミネラルが豊富に含まれ、唇に栄養を与えます。
- べたつかない:軽いつけ心地で、毎日お使いいただけます。
- 環境にやさしい: オーガニック&ナチュラル成分で、お肌にも環境にもやさしい。
Introducing Kisori Lip Balm. A perfect blend of nature's finest ingredients to keep your lips soft, smooth, and hydrated. With the nourishing properties of jojoba oil and beeswax, this lip balm provides long-lasting moisture and protection for your lips. Jojoba oil, rich in vitamins and minerals, deeply moisturizes and soothes dry, chapped lips, while beeswax creates a protective barrier to lock in moisture and keep lips supple. Say goodbye to dryness and discomfort by enjoying the natural, organic care of a lip balm.
- Deeply hydrating: Jojoba oil moisturizes lips, leaving them soft and smooth.
- Protective barrier: Beeswax acts as a barrier to protect your lips from the harsh environment.
- Natural ingredients: Organic jojoba oil and beeswax.
- Soothing: Soothes dryness and discomfort, leaving lips healthy and comfortable.
- Lasting: long-lasting: provides all-day moisture and lip protection.
- Vitamin-rich: Jojoba oil is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that nourish the lips.
- Non-sticky: Lightweight and easy to use every day.
Environmentally friendly: Organic and natural ingredients are gentle on your skin and the environment.
Our concept of "Kai-Zen" in the beauty industry embodies constant improvement and innovation. By incorporating this Japanese principle, our products evolve with the latest scientific advances and natural ingredients. This commitment to refinement and excellence ensures that our customers receive the highest quality skin care and reflects our dedication to constant growth and perfection in beauty.


email: contact@kisoribrand.com
Heian-Cho 1-Chome, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama