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Kuji Treatment Lotion and Serum Sleeping mask is a powerful and effective beauty product from Japan that claims to cure all types of skin problems and issues. This lotion provides a 5-in-1 formula that's able to treat, cure, and solve the most common skin problems. It's also very easy to use. Just apply it after showering before sleeping, and you'll be amazed by the results!

トリートメントローションと美容液 スリーピングマスク | [Kuji] Treatment Lotion and Serum Sleeping mask


Kuji Treatment Lotion and Serum Sleeping Mask is a revolutionary product that has the ability to heal scars, pimples, acne scars, freckles and blackheads. This lotion will also help to lighten your skin complexion and is even effective at controlling wrinkles. Kuji is dermatologist tested and guarantees positive results.

メリット | Benefits

  • 化学物質アレルギーによる傷跡の修復
  • しみ、そばかすの除去
  • 日光による肝斑の治療
  • 吹き出物やニキビ跡の除去
  • 顔を均一に白くする
  • シワの解消(目尻にも使用可)
  • 顔の肌を引き締め、若々しく見せます。

Key Benefits

  • Remedying scars resulting from chemical allergy
  • Eliminating freckles and blackheads
  • Curing melasma caused by sunlight
  • Eliminating pimples and acne scars
  • Whitening your face evenly
  • Eliminating wrinkles (can be applied around the corner of eyes)
  • Shrinking pores
  • Tightening the facial skin and make it appear younger
使用方法 | How to Use
  • 顔を洗い、水気を拭き取る。
  • 手のひらに適量の美容液をとり、顔全体になじませます。
  • 目のまわりや首筋など、顔全体にやさしくなじませます。
  • 毎晩、単品または他のスキンケア製品と一緒にお使いいただけます(併用す
  • るスキンケア製品の種類にはご注意ください)。
  • Wash your face and dry it
  • Drop a small amount of serum on your palm and on your face
  • Rub it gently on your face including the areas around the eyes and neck then leave it on overnight
  • Can be used every night by itself or with other skincare products (please be cautious with the type of skincare products which you are using with it)

中身について | What's inside

1/ バラの花びら | Rose Petal
バラの花びらには、肌をしっとりと保湿し、活力を与える効果があります。バラの花びらに含まれる天然オイルは、水分を保持し、肌を柔らかく滑らかに保ちます。さらに、バラの花びらには抗炎症作用や抗酸化作用があり、肌の赤みを軽減し、刺激から肌を守ります。また、穏やかな収斂効果もあり、肌を引き締めます。 [Rose petals are known for their soothing and hydrating properties. They help to moisturize and revitalize dry, tired skin. The natural oils found in rose petals can help to lock in moisture and keep the skin soft and smooth. Additionally, rose petals have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help to reduce redness, soothe irritation, and protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. They also provide a gentle astringent effect, which helps to tone and tighten the skin.]
2/ 桜 | Sakura
桜エキスには抗炎症作用があり、肌の刺激を和らげる助けになります。また、抗酸化物質も含まれており、肌を明るくし、シミや年齢スポットの見た目を軽減するのに役立ちます。 [Sakura extract is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help soothe and calm irritated skin. It also has antioxidants that help to brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and age spots.]
3/ アロエベラ| Aloe Vera
アロエベラは深い保湿と乾燥した肌や日焼けした肌の鎮静効果を提供します。その抗炎症作用と抗菌作用により、ニキビを減少させ、傷の治癒を促進します。また、肌の自然な保湿バランスを保つのに役立ちます。 [Aloe Vera provides deep hydration and soothing relief for dry or sunburned skin. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can help to reduce acne and promote healing. It also helps to maintain the skin's natural moisture balance.]
4/ デイジーの花 | Daisy Flower
デイジーの花エキスには肌を明るくする効果があります。肌のトーンを均一化し、シミや色素沈着の見た目を軽減する助けになります。また、抗炎症と収斂作用があり、肌を落ち着かせ、引き締めます。 [Daisy flower extract is known for its skin-brightening properties. It helps to even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots and discoloration. It also has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, making it beneficial for soothing and tightening the skin.]
5/ カモミール| Chamomile
カモミールには強力な抗炎症作用と鎮静効果があり、刺激を受けやすい肌を和らげます。また、抗酸化作用があり、肌を自由基から保護し、健康で輝く肌を促進します。 [Chamomile has strong anti-inflammatory and calming properties, which help to soothe irritated and sensitive skin. It also has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from free radical damage and promote a healthy, radiant complexion.]
6/ 液体コラーゲン | Liquid Collagen
液体コラーゲンはコラーゲンの生成を促進し、肌の弾力性とハリを改善します。肌を保湿し、小じわやしわの見た目を軽減し、肌全体の健康をサポートします。 [Liquid collagen helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness by promoting collagen production. It hydrates the skin, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and supports overall skin health, leading to a more youthful and plump complexion.]
Full Ingredients
Aqua (Water), Rose Petals, Sakura (Cherry blossoms), Aloe vera, Adenium obesum, Lycium Barbarum, Potassium Hydroxide, Hyaluronic acid, Liquid Collagen, Olea europaea fruit oil (olive), Squalene, Sodium Hyaluronate, Aroma